Sunday, August 23, 2015

Time to get back on track with my Heath and Juicing

Wow I realized how long it has been since I logged on and wrote on here. This past year has been filled with lots of wonderful new things. My family was blessed with a new son in law and a new grand daughter as well. I had a few heath scares with seizures and falls but over all I kept up with my juicing and changed to new Neurologist in January who teamed up with my Internist and Rheumatologist to work on a mix of natural as well as medicines to help with my many medical issues. When I started this year I am sad to say I weighed in the highest I have ever weighed and the saddest as well.(In spite of eating and juicing correctly). Can you sad depressed and frustrated, My Jan 2015 weight was 303. No i don't like taking pictures but here I am with my baby Darla Rae.
Today I weighed in and after my new meds, doing some light walking (in spite of a hitting  my head last Sunday) and of course continuing my juicing and eating mainly fruits and veggies my weight today is 270.3
This is me last week. 

So I am recommitting to blogging and posting recipes. Hope to hear from you all too
Shweet Sandi

1 comment:

  1. Go girl, I need to follow you :)

    New at juicing, as you could tell in my email to you. I knew you were a juicer so I decided to ask you for some recipes and now that you are doing it again. I will keep up :)
