Many people many New Year resolutions that some are lucky if they last 1 maybe two weeks into the year before they break them. Not my husband and I. We are beginning a new ERA the ERA of Healthy Living.
Last year in March we watched Joe Cross's movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, joined his community Join The Reboot and I went in search of facebook friends who also might be interested in helping me learn about this journey in Juicing to Better Health.
As many of you know, I juiced a good number of days and lost a good amount of weight. Most importantly I went from 22 medicines down to 6 yes count them ~6~! I am so excited! I am no where close to where I need to be weight or health wise BUT considering where I was 8 months ago when I started this journey I am way ahead of the curve.
Our New ERA
1.So Marty and I committed to no processed foods in our home.
2.Only fresh foods.
3. We cook our own foods or if we eat out it is some place we know it is made from 100% fresh or Fresh/Raw.
4. Month of January Sandi will be taking part in a Juice Feast. That means I will only eat/drink fresh juices or water.
I do not do this to loose weight quickly but to reboot my body. This give my organs a much needed rest. While they rest I am taking in high concentrations of vitamins and nutrients from the fresh juices. It is like getting a blood transfusion only this is a nutrient/vitamin transfusion.
I will be posting on here as the days go by and also adding some of my recipes to my recipe blog.
I weighed in this morning so I know where I am starting 232 pounds... gotta find the tape measure and will post that too.
So if anyone is starting a Juice Cleanse or Feast as we call it on Jan 1 and plan to do to for the whole 31 days, join NOW on Facebook.
Hope you will follow me this year...Share with me your experience in getting healthy both in body as well as spirit too.
Til tomorrow when we start our Journey into our new ERA or Life!
Stay Healthy
Shweet Sandi
Join me on journey to a finding a healthier life thru juicing, better eating habits and improving the way we live. Here you will find some of my mutterings about our everyday lives, juicing recipes, things to do with the pulp you get and gluten free living. Yes, of course free Shweet sewing patterns every so often and who knows maybe even a give way creation every now and then too. YOU know sewing has always been my lifesaver and now that I am rebooting it is even more so. Stay Juicy!

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Happy New Year Sandi! You have done such a great job and I wish you continued blessings as you journey into your new ERA of Life!!