Monday, January 7, 2013

Juicing and Eating a Rainbow

Juice a Rainbow.... Eat a Rainbow. Whichever way you choose to do it everyday get your fruits and vegetables in as a rainbow.... What does it mean?  It means to make sure that you get a variety of produce in your diet. I am juicing for the month of January so I happen to be making up new recipes that are juicing rainbows.
My newest juice is Popeye's Blueberry Juice. You can find the Complete Recipe on my Sister Recipe Blog Recipes 4 Shweet Living or by clicking HERE.
Til tomorrow
Keep Healthy and Juice On
Shweet Sandi

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Trip to the Farmer's Market

Yesterday my Shweetheart and I took a trip to the Farmer's Market here in Dallas. It was cold but we had a nice time. We started our day in the enclosed area looking through the shoppes that are mainly Jewelry, Handmade Soaps, Candles, Baked Goods, and Yes my favorites the Hand sewn and painted creations.
I found this shoppe where everything is from Mexico that we go into every time we visit the marketplace. I usually marvel at the Día de los Muertos art the shoppe has but this visit the prints were what grabbed my attention right away.

 This is the print we came home with.... YES, It is a print. Hard to believe it is not a painting...I thought it was I was. In fact I still keep walking over and softy run my handover the surface to check.
Then as we were walking to the stalls to shoppe for our produce what do I see but a beautiful mural that I would love to have in my home.
Yes we went on to purchase a trunk load of produce. I could not believe we actually picked up 15 pounds of shweet potatoes for $5.00 yes count them l $5.00.
Then we went on to pick up strawberries, oranges,lemons,limes and grapefruit from South Texas. 
Just seeing the second picture makes one want to grab a big cold glass of juice doesn't it.
Well, time to do some Santa sewing. (Yes, you read that right.)
So til tomorrow.
Stay Healthy
Shweet Santa

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Added a few new recipes

I Added a couple new recipes to Recipes 4 Shweet Living tonight. Go by and take a peek. If you make them please let me know what you think and how they turned out for you. 
Stay Healthy

First Day January Juicing Went Great

Sorry I did not get in here yesterday to post my beginning "shot" and weight but I was kinda busy with Zoe Bug all day long and into the evening. Wanted to re-cap Day 1 of January Juicing and share with you my Riff of Joe Cross's Mean Green Recipe I had for dinner last night and made enough for breakfast and some juicing today.

So here is my beginning shot for January 1, 2013.... Of course I am with my Zoe Bug, she's 15 months 3 weeks. My beginning weight 232 pounds. Pant size 18. Shirt Size 14/16 (some 18 if the sleeves are tight).
Tomorrow I will tell you my illnesses and medicines that I have beginning this year so you know where I am beginning this New ERA. I'll let you know Doctors updates throughout the year and other ups and downs as they happen.
Last night I made up 2 litters of my favorite Juice just to get a head start on Tuesday. Also, I knew that I would be home "alone" today and wanted juice on hand so  I would not be tempted to grab a bite of fruit while making up juice if I got hungry.
This is one of my Zoe Bug's favorite juices and mine too. This is a riff of Joe Cross's Mean Green from "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" movie.
2 bundles of kale 
( clean kale, remove kale leaves from the thick ribs to keep juice from being bitter)
1/2 bundle of spinach or 2 cups baby spinach (cleaned)
4 granny smith apples (large)
2 Macintosh apples
1 bundle of celery
3 large cucumbers peeled
4 oranges peeled (large)
2 large lemons peeled
(you can add ginger if you like ginger about 1/4 inch would be good...add it before the cucumbers)
Juice all the produce in the order they are shown. 
Remove the thick ribs from kale, chard, spinach to take away bitterness from juice.
Wrap leaves around apple slices before adding to the slot to juice. This will get more juice from your leafy greens.
Peel cucumbers esp if they are not organic... most cucumbers are waxed, so you do not want that in your juices.
Lemon juice is wonderful and I like to juice the peel as well. It is an acquired taste, so add a small amount of peel at a time and work your way up to the whole lemon. Again organic lemons are best for juicing the rind.
The reason I juice in the order I do is so that the produce with the most liquid will "wash" out any sludge or reside. That way you are not loosing  any of your vitamins and nutrients.
Last but not least, the most important thing...
Taste as you go. Add if you need too. If you don't like it remember for the next time and adjust... if you do like it...write it down. I personally use my cell phone and snap pictures of the produce I am juicing. If I like the juice I keep the pictures. That way i know what was in the juice.
Remember try to keep it 80% Vegetable to 20% fruit and have fun!
Til Later 
I am off to send some recipes to folks
Shweet Sandi