Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Fourteen Months and Getting Healthier.... What is Your WHY?

WOW Hard to believe it has now been 14 months since I juiced my very first bunch of kale, oranges, apples, beets, radishes. I am so happy Linda told me to watch Fat Sick and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross (you can catch it on Join The Reboot.) Marty and I started juicing. I have lowered my medicines from 22 to 8... Gone from a size 24 holding at a size 18. Marty has gone down 4 clothing sizes and lost over 45 pounds. The most important thing was 1 year ago he was told he needed to get complete dentures and we have been on the dental college waiting list for that part of the classes. Last Friday when he went to the college to have his teeth and gyms checked they told him whatever he has been doing keep it up, it appears he has saved his back teeth. JUICING WORKS!!!

 A lot of people asked me why I still juice all the time? Is it to loss weight? Is it to get healthy? What is my reason, MY WHY?  Mine is very simple and very precious This is My WHY. 
I want to be able to play on the floor with her. Chase her around the park, simply go to the Zoo. I want to know that  I am doing everything in my power to be here when she graduates high school and college. To watch her get married and see her children play with the dolls I make.
Both of my parents passed away young. My daddy at 53 from a heart attack and my mom at 73 from Chronic Heart Failure. Get the drift? In 2 days I will be 54 years old. I will have reached a live span longer than my daddy did. Now I will be reaching to a much longer life and much fuller one too.

Before I close today I wanted to just put out there to the universe....
1. If you have not watched the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
take some time and watch it.
2. Consider cutting out processed foods from your diet. If you can't say what is it it, should you be eating it?
3. Add fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet each day. 
You can do it simple by eating raw or steamed food.
 Juicing a tasting and very energizing way to get  your veggies/fruits quickly and tastes good too.
(Yes I can give you recipes, Click Here for my Recipe Blog.) 
4. Cut back of if possible OUT meat. 
I know here I am in Texas and talking about not eating meat. 
You will get all the protein your body needs from the healthy produce you eat and drink.
5. Last Smile, Laugh and Everyday tell at least one person how Special they are.
With texting and social media in most everyone's life you can easily make someone's day day special
 and in doing so you bring an added peace to your own life.        

Til Tomorrow Stay Healty
Shweet Sandi                                                  

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