When I started this juice journey I never realized how much fun one could have with a bowl of fruit and veggies. After my first week of making the standard juices I set out to make up my own juices, making sure I kept to the 80% vegetable to 20% fruit ratio that is advised for a nice health glass of juice. Most of the time when creating my juices, I tried to make the fruit part less than 20% and quite often pure veggie juices are the best ones created. Remember when making your own juices to jot down your recipes, good or bad that way you have a record. Snap pictures of the before and after too. It is a whole lot of fun once you get started and sometimes it is really hard to stop.
Now, HOW do you know what to put into your juicer? WELL, that depends on several things.
1. Taste. Of course you want the veggies and fruit combination to taste good together.
2. What are you juicing for? To loose weight? To fight pain? Cancer Prevention?
Do your research. "The Juicing Bible" by Pat Crocker is an easy read a great way to know which veggies, fruits and herbs to use. This book even has a large number of tried and true recipes all ready for you. I received this for my birthday this year and have already read it front to back. LOVE IT.
Use your computer. Google, Join support groups.... There is a great Rebooters Group on facebook.. ASK For help! Folks are so willing to help out.
Wanted to share one of my favorite juices I came up with... I like to call it my
3 Cs and A G Juice
1/2 Cantaloupe
3 medium canning cucumbers
1 large carrot
1 celery stalk
1 1/2 cups grapes
This juice is wonderful ICE COLD at the pool and even works well to freeze in small paper cups, add a wood stick when partially frozen so that the stick will stand in the center. YUMMY.
Stay Tune for more Recipes and fun ideas!
Join me on journey to a finding a healthier life thru juicing, better eating habits and improving the way we live. Here you will find some of my mutterings about our everyday lives, juicing recipes, things to do with the pulp you get and gluten free living. Yes, of course free Shweet sewing patterns every so often and who knows maybe even a give way creation every now and then too. YOU know sewing has always been my lifesaver and now that I am rebooting it is even more so. Stay Juicy!

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Cool Blog. Will have to check into this :O)