Lots of you out there want to start juicing but just are not sure where to start. I know what you mean I was the same way when I started out. I must have watched "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" six times before I started juicing and when I did, I started at first with my blender. I did not know any different I thought heck a blender is better than nothing.
Using a blender is not juicing, that is making a Smoothie and that is just fine and can be very healthy in itself. BUT it will not give you a cleanse like a juice diet will. If you are going to drink smoothies, just make sure you are watching you don't add to much sugar or fat into them. okay ya'll here is a smoothie recipe from
"The RECIPE BIBLE" by Pat Crocker.
Frozen Fruit Slurry
1/2 CUP freshly squeezed orange juice
4 frozen banana chunks
4 frozen strawberries
1/4 cup frozen fruit juice (i would freeze your fresh orange juice into cubes)
1 cup ice cubes
In a Blender or Vita-Mix, combine all above and process until the mix is nice and smooth. Serve immediately.
** NOTE** to make the juice for your fruit juice. Juice fresh strawberries, oranges and any other fruit you like together and freeze into ice cubes. Keep them in a ziplock bag in your freezer for when you want to make Smoothies or add to drinks for a ZIP of fresh flavor.
Back to looking for your juicer. I started by reading reviews. When you read reviews you begin to see which juicer you are more likely to want to have in your kitchen. Next: What is the price you have to spend at this time? When I started juicing I knew that I only had about $50.00 to spend on a juicer so I went in search of the best juicer I could find in that price range. I also knew this was something NEW to me and being new I might not stick with it. So I would not be served to spend $500.00 on a Breville at this time but I did find a GE Juicer at Walmart for 49.00 that works so wonderful, cleans up in a snap (By hand not in the dishwasher) and juices really well. This juicer received the best reviews from all the juicers I researched online everywhere...that were priced under $500.00. That says a whole lot to me and helps those of us who live on a limited budget.
There are a few other things that Marty and I simply can't live without in our Juicing Kitchen and we picked up these items at our Local Dollar Tree. He told me to make sure I told you in my blog so you can get the items too.
Metal Strainers (2 sizes) I use them to clean my greens and also to make sure my juices are nice and clear
Large Plastic Bowls (3) You will want to clean and cut up your veggies & fruits before you start making your juice each time. By having more than one large bowl you can do all your cleaning and prep work ahead of time and be set.
Veggie Peeler with Brush- It is awesome to have a peeler/brush combo. You can have it separate but I personally love the combo and it saves money too. (The long brush is also a perfect brush for cleaning your juicer basket.)
Large Liquid Measuring Cups I think everyone who juices should have at least 2 large measuring cups. You can place your strainer or nut bag (some folks use that to stain their juices) over the top and pour in your fresh from the juicer JUICE. This is a step I have added and it really makes the juice so smooth.
Set of "Dry" Measuring Cups- These are great for measuring grapes, blueberries, blackberries etc.
Measuring Spoons
Long Handled Plastic Spoons- Make sure you get several you will want several of these for stirring your juices once you mix your juices together in jugs.
Jugs or pitchers- Plastic with well fitting lids. Personally I like the tall, thin ones so that you can fit several side-by-side in the fridge and not take up to much room.
Travel Mugs- Plastic travel mugs are the best for going places with your juice. One hint... fill your travel mug about 1/4 of the way with your juice and freeze it. Then in the morning before you leave for work or your trip add your juice and seal. Your juice will stay nice and cold and the juice will thaw. Just make sure you leave room at the top for the juice to "un-freeze".
Hope this helps Out a little bit. If you are still not sure about juicing I have something I can send ya. Just drop me a note at livingtheshweetlife@gmail.com and I will email it to you. It explains juicing a little bit more.
Til later Have a Juicy Day
Join me on journey to a finding a healthier life thru juicing, better eating habits and improving the way we live. Here you will find some of my mutterings about our everyday lives, juicing recipes, things to do with the pulp you get and gluten free living. Yes, of course free Shweet sewing patterns every so often and who knows maybe even a give way creation every now and then too. YOU know sewing has always been my lifesaver and now that I am rebooting it is even more so. Stay Juicy!

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